Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Let me explain this...

Hi I'm Emma! Welcome! So let me explain my Sugar rush title. I love to play Softball, (trust me, the balls are not soft :P) one tournament, (we won gold hooray!) there was going to be an announcer saying who's up to bat etc. and we all needed nick-names, so, my team and I thought of Sugar rush for me. I'm a hyper person, and my last name is Rush so it worked out perfectly :D. I'm not a huge writer, my sister Sarah ( is helping me figure it all out :P lol. Ok! So there it is! my first post! yay!


Sarah-Jill said...

Good job Emma! But I need to show you how to link addresses! =P
I'll do that tomorrow, goodnight!

Lizzy said...

Hi Emma! I like your blog! Sugar Rush is a good title. :)

(and Sparky too!)

bloggeranonymous said...

Haha yay Emma!!! (It's Josh Boettcher by the way)!

Emma said...

thanks guys :) wow I need to do more posts. I'll get to that, but I'm better at writing in my diary than typing, I can't seem to think of anything interesting to write about... oh well.